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When one size won't fit all, there's a one-stop-shop for all your travel tech needs

Technology is only as effective as the know-how and up-take of the person using it. Adding to that, what helps is a host of technological advancements and solutions when you must search for different tools in different places? Suddenly, technology becomes cumbersome and counterproductive.  

As your partners in travel, we’ve learnt first-hand that complex systems and tools have little value if they are not adopted by the travellers that they are meant to serve. We also understand that the real benefit comes in when you can find all the right technology all in one place. When it comes to technology, the sum of its parts is truly greater than the whole: a one-stop-shop that gets you from A to Z and back again is the win-win you’re looking for.  

That’s why our platform has been built with you and your travel booking and management needs in mind. We’ve created an easy-to-use solution that will offer you simplicity and flexibility – without the heavy baggage of heavy admin and effort-intensive technology obstacles.  

It’s in our perfect blend that technology really steps up the plate. That blend brings together a range of tools and systems, all in one place, waiting to ensure that you and your travellers enjoy smooth sailing and clear skies.  

The first tool is our booking solution, that equips you with side-by-side air and rail comparisons with automatically set parameters that meet your travel policy. Powered by Concur, our online booking tool also allows you to manage trip requests and approval, simply, swiftly and seamlessly. It can also be personalised to your business’s needs because in the world of travel, one size definitely does not fit all. 

With bookings taken care of, you can also take control of your travel programme a bird’s eye view. All in one place, you’ll find analytics and reporting tools that enable you to quickly pull high-level reports or take a deep dive into your data. Effortlessly view and compare information on rates, travel dates and most-traveled cities and identify opportunities for improvement and cost-savings with ease.  

You can also have a bird’s eye view of your travellers at any one time, with traveller tracking. Track your teams on-the-go in real time, wherever they are in the world, and keep on top of any critical alerts for those regions. You can identify where your travellers are going this week, next week and up to 2 weeks in advance. If you have any travellers at risk, our tools show you a snapshot of them by risk type, location and flight number. Having all the information at your fingertips allows for necessary interventions when those unforeseen emergencies do occur.  

That’s why our system also lets you create and manage traveller profiles – including their passport details, frequent flyer numbers, seat preferences and dietary needs – all in one simple place. This first-class profile management will save you and your traveller’s time. Say goodbye to looking up or re-asking for these details at every booking.  

And what about the finances of your travel needs? Well, we help you to find the payment solution that works best for your needs. Whether it’s through your credit card provider, a 15-day account, or a line of credit, our made-for-you system has your covered. Stay on top of the situation with reporting that tracks and analyses your expenses, empowering you to make the best decision.  

It’s pretty helpful when you have all of these tools blended into a full-service, single access point to your entire travel ecosystem. You’ll feel like an air traffic controller, with your finger on the pulse of every moving part, managing your travel traffic from our technology portal.  

Plus, when you need a helping hand, there’s a mobile travel app designed to learn about you, what you like, where you’re going and what you need to make travel easy. What more could you ask for from the new age of travel?

Want to know more? Let's talk 

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